Lia Peele


Lia Peele

Lia Peele

Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, LGBT

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    Aug 2018

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    United Kingdom

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Lia Peele is a British author from the North East of England. She’s my alter ego; a creation of my imagination. I resigned from my job so she can write steamy adult contemporary romance. This means I can hide behind her, and she’s given free rein to set my smutty thoughts free.

Inspired by the Kindle revolution, and success of Indie Authors, she began writing in 2015 after reading a book by an author she’s forgotten, but the story resonated with her.

She jumped into writing ... and then discovered what it means to edit!

Now the author of two published books, Definition of Flawed and Definition of Stripped, Craving, Redemption, and Absolution are following in August, September, and October 2018.

The Definition series isn't dark.
It definitely isn't sweet!
It's probably best described as dysfunctional ...

Lia Peele Books

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